Massage Therapy
Massage services are offered 3 times per month, please call for dates and times available.

(Hand or Footwork) – boosts the nerves in the feet and/or hands that correlate with the organs & system health of the body. Highly recommended for persons with occupations requiring consistent use of the hands & feet.
20min – $20
30min – $30
60min – $60

Swedish Theraputic Massage
1hr – $65
90min – $90
2hr – $125

Cupping Therapy
Heal yourself on various levels including mentally & physically with this ancient chinese technique used to mobilize blood flow. By incorporating suction of glass cups placed on the skin in detailed areas and heating them, the blood is stimulated. Mechanical devices are also incorporated to further increase blood movement.
1Hr – $120
1 1/2Hr – $165
2Hr – $210

Synergetic Structural Integration Advanced Therapy
Synergetic Structural Integration Advance Therapy is a system of soft tissue manipulation and movement education that organizes the whole body in gravity. This bodywork affects the body’s posture and structure by manipulating the myofascial system (connective tissue). Often considered a deep-tissue approach, This bodywork actually works with all the layers of the body to ease strain patterns in the entire system. Research has demonstrated that this bodywork creates more efficient muscle use, allows the body to conserve energy, and creates more economical and refined patterns of movement. This bodywork has also been shown to significantly reduce chronic stress, reduce spinal curvature in subjects with lordosis (sway back), and enhance neurological functioning
70 Minutes – $145

Deep Tissue
Pressure is applied in concentrate to certain areas of the body to loosen stressed muscles, and also relieves tension in the deep tissue layers in the body. Toxins will be released from the deep tissue during the session.
1Hr – $115
1 1/2Hr – $155
2Hr – $195

Geriatric Massage
Massage designed to specifically meet the needs of senior citizens. Improves blood circulation, relieves pain, improves range of motion and flexibility, and also helps to fluff wrinkles & sagging skin – a benefit to overall health.
45min – $45
60min – $60

Synergy Myofascial Therapy
Synergy Myofascial Therapy safely releases fascial and muscular tension, Changes the structure of the body which can effect the function towards improvements, and aids in the process of chronic postural injuries. Also, this modality improves pelvic muscle area misalignment patterns, recognize patterns of training and myofascial imbalance before they become patterns of pain, works towards symmetry and postural alignment to help lessen fewer stress points in body. Active movement by the client prior to or during the myofascial therapy will enhance release. Lastly, synergy therapy aims to lengthen or shorten if the fascia is too long.
1 Session (1 Hour) – $145
10 Sessions – $995
(This type of alignment correcting treatment is usually done in a series of sessions to be considered effective)

Ready for a Total Detox and Calorie Burn?
Imagine burning up to 1000 calories per session, increasing your Metabolic rate both during and after your treatment, stimulating your circulatory system to improve elimination of waste products / toxins, and overall-losing weight & inches – while lying down!